Before we can give you an estimate on a computer, you need to tell us what you want.

Processor� Desired (233 or greater recomended)

Now, Please tell us how many MB of RAM you want in your machine (at least 32 recomended)

Choose your motherboard (Intel Recomended for Intel processors)

Choose your Video Card

Now please tell Us what kind of a Modem you would like

What Kind of Hard Drive would you like with this system? If you want a SCSI Hard Drive you need the SCSI adapter, we will figure this in with the estimate

Check the box if you want a floppy drive installed in the unit.

What kind of a CD-ROM Drive would you like in your unit?

What Kind Of Monitor would you like?

What Kind of case do you want?

Any other comments??

Please include your E-Mail address so we can get back to you, and thank ou for choosing us!